August 3, 2009

looks like i'll be busy with other things

UGH! This is my last week before I go back to school and this is what my kitchen looks like:

Why you ask?? The water line to my fridge decided it wasn't going to play nice and LEAKED all underneath the linoleum we had in our kitchen. Now, of course it was Congoleum brand and OF COURSE it had to be one full sheet. Couldn't have been just a few tiles, no now I have to rip up every inch of that linoleum and put down something else. My plans were to finish painting my daughter's room, paint my son's room and then paint the hall and the hall bath, yea that's not going to happen.

Our kitchen was a mess to begin with after because of our various projects lined up but now the fridge is in the middle of the kitchen, I have a small dresser and desk that are SUPPOSED to be in my daughters room right now in my living room, and I have the counters stacked with crap that's waiting to find it's way back to it's proper home.

I'm seriously going to start crying at any moment, and the worst part? It's only Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Please don't cry. Take one day at a time & one project at a time. When you get it ALL done, you'll sit back & wonder how you did it all.
    Last Fall our refriderator leaked all over our hardwood floors & down into the basement. the dropped ceiling looked like overfull diapers holding gallons of water. I had to take a broom & pop them. WATER everywhere. It took WEEKS for the kitchen floor to lay back down, we replaced the ceiling tiles...and you know what the culprit was???? A dang filter cartridge. A $40 dollar part....I was so afraid that the water was going to get in the area of the basement where my longarm didn't....And now I cahnge that filter EVERY 6 months!!!!

    Sam in Middle TN


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