May 11, 2010

anyone wanna review a couple patterns i'm writing? aka the BIG announcement

I'm really wanting to try my hand at writing patterns that are precut friendly (as we all know I adore precuts!). One is made using a jelly roll and a solid that could easily be a solid jelly roll. The other uses either 2 charm packs or 1 layer cake, a jelly roll, and a honey bun. I'm still in the process of typing them up but hope to have them ready by the end of the weekend. I would like a couple people to review just the numbers and ease of directions and a couple to make the pattern from start to finish into a finished quilt.

If you would like to review the patterns without making the quilt I will mail you a hard copy of each finished patterns that you reviewed and you will get first dibs on any future patterns along with receiving a hard copy of the finished product.

If you would like to review the patterns with making the quilt send good quality photos (who knows, it *MAY* end up making the final cover!) and you will get 6 hard copies of each pattern in the future, 1 to keep for yourself and 5 to giveaway, PLUS if your quilt makes the cover I will credit your work on the back of the pattern and direct to your blog. I WILL NEVER ASK TO SEND ME YOUR QUILT!!! You will also get first dibs on reviewing any future patterns.

Both patterns I have drawn up are beginner friendly, however, I ask that you have experience reading a pattern and have great math skills. One pattern would be very easy to get 2 quilts out of 1 jelly roll (if my math skills are right).

And I need you to be completely honest. Tell me they suck if they suck, tell me they're boring if they are, tell me if you would or wouldn't buy them. Be honest! Any suggestions to make the pattern better? Tell me! I need your complete and honest feedback.

If you are genuinely interested PLEASE email me using the contact me link at the top of the page.

thanks for all the interest! i have enough pattern testers at this time!


  1. I'd be more than happy to help you out Audrey! I can do either for you, make it or just read it. I'm good with either.

  2. Great your making yoru own patterns1 I am hoping to do this one day too! I'd love to help you either by reviewing your patterns or by making the quilt which I probably will do anyhow!!!

  3. How exciting for you! I'd love to help you out. I'll send my info to you.

  4. I'd be glad to look at them for you! I'll email you...

  5. I just stumbled across your blog and quickly added you to my favs!! I love all your work!

  6. I'd be happy to help you out. I'm a bit of a numbers nerd and would be happy to make sure your figures work.


i love comments!