March 31, 2011

origins finish

So I finally got another quilt finished!  This is A Ritzy Cracker Quilt from the moda bake shop.  I used Origins from Basic Grey, this pattern calls for 2 charm packs.  I'm so addicted to that company's stuff it's not even funny.  I absolutely LOVE it, both fabric and paper.  I've made quilts using Figgy Pudding and Blush already.  I have ONE tiny charm pack of Fruitcake I'm saving for something.  But on to pics!

This is the front, I quilted it in a dark brown and left the white parts untouched except for the triangles around the edges, I quilted those just for stability while binding. 

Here you can see the back and binding better.  I was able to find just enough yardage for the back at Burgundy Buttons.  The binding I bought at a LQS and managed to freak out the staff there when I went in to buy it, story is after the last picture :p

And who doesn't love a rolled up quilt??  My daughter LOVED this quilt and was so happy to work on it with me yesterday, she stayed awake until it came out of the dryer so she could sleep with it.  None of my quilts get used until their washed :)

So about the LQS, I was working one day and got a call to a nursing home that ended up being canceled as we were arriving so when we got told to go post at a different hospital I decided to hit up this shop on the way there to see what they had left of Origins since they had a bunch of yardage a few months back.  You would NEVER know this quilt shop exists unless you pay close attention, it's a non-descript house with a small sign that says Quilters Heaven.  My partner and I pull up, in the ambulance of course, walk inside and all the ladies inside started asking if everything was ok!  It sure was, just doing some shopping on shift :)  It was on the way to where we were going to we just popped in.  They quickly recovered from their scare.  **disclaimer: we're allowed to shop on shift, as long as we answer our calls and do what we gotta do they're ok with it.  all they ask is we conduct ourselves in a way that shows the company in a positive way, which we do**

I also entered this quilt in the MBS contest of the month.  Got in in just the nick of time, finished it yesterday, photographed it this morning, uploaded the pics in between calls today and got it posted to flickr.  Talk about waiting til the last minute!


  1. Love it! Good luck with the contest, you did a great job!

  2. Looks great! Good luck in the MBS contest!


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