February 26, 2014

Girl Scout Freebies!

I started up a Junior troop at the end of last year for my daughter.  She is VERY into Girl Scouting and being that there were no troops in the area she could join I figure I'd give her and other girls the opportunity.  I was a Girl Scout for 9 years back in the day and loved every minute of it.  With our cookie sales going full speed ahead I made some things that I could use to track our progress.  The first is a goal thermometer.  It's completely blank, with just goal marker lines and profile logo.  You should be able to right click and save this, it's 8.5x11 and is in jpg format.

The next thing I have is a ledger of sorts.  You put the girls names down the side and the activities on the top and go to town.  I use this for tracking attendance at meetings and cookie booths.  I also have a badge tracker that I filled in, it's a jpg but can be imported into photo editing software and you can add your own text and such in there, or you can hand fill it.  I also left enough space at the top so you can hole punch it if need be.

Please if you use any of these, all I ask is that you link back to here if you share them.  I've done the courtesy of leaving off a watermark but if I see others taking credit for these I won't hesitate to add one.  


  1. We are a scouting family! I love the thermometer, a great idea!

  2. Just started a new troop too and I came across this link on pinterest!! Absolutely love these ideas and best part they're free!! I can't begin to thank you enough for this!!


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